expired film for sale

Expired Film Package: 35mm film

I have a fridge filled with films. From 35, 120, 4x5, all the way to 810 sheet films. Black and white, colour negatives, to positive, you name it, it's likely I have it. 


Expired Film Challenge

During the earlier days of Shutter Alliance, we did "Expired Film Challenge" photowalk. We actually organised it 2 years in a roll, all with a great turnout too.

But then the lockdown hit us, and now I can't seem to gather the strength to revive the tradition. I'm done with film photography. 

So now I've gathered a pile of 35mm films of various assortments,10 rolls to be exact. Along with the Japan Camera Hunter film case that holds 10 rolls. You get them all for a humble price of HKD239. 

Get it here: Expired Film Package 

Right now, I only have One set available. So buy it fast if you're interested. 

Don't get me wrong, I still have a lot of films, but I'm too busy to sort them out. I will, as time goes by, be pumping out these one of a kind package deal. So if you're interested, or curious about the deals, make sure to subscribe to us. 

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Street Photography through words

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