I used a 34" Sony Wega during my college days, it was a huge and heavy TV, and we would gather around it like fire, watching Blockbuster. Then the Playstation, oh those sleepless nights playing Final Fantasy. Those were the days.
They weren't bad, and I tried really hard to like a Sony, but I never did pick up the habit of using a Sony.
While Sony was working his way up to the top, the top boy Nikon was on his way down. The impression I had with Nikon was they would simply jack up the pixel count and brand it as a new camera.
Many years had passed, and I was in the market for a cinema camera. The top dogs, at least according to the YouTubers, were between a Panasonic GH6 and the Sony FX30. And if I were to be completely honest, the GH6 was a no brainer, I had an excellent experience with the GH4. While the time I had with a Sony in the earlier days were far from love at first sight.
But hey, let's give it an another round, keep an open mind, yes ? So I bit my tongue and got myself a Sony FX30. And sure enough, it's an excellent camera, I love its Log mode, and the camera has almost everything I would want and need. Almost. The only complaint I have is you cannot use an external hard disk for storage, it's either a high speed SD card, or a fancy CF Express. I think it's important a camera could use an external SSD through a USBC, it's a feature that's almost a must in this day n' age.
For the price, I would say the FX30 is bang for the buck. It's compact, it's loaded with the latest baddest features, and most importantly, there are a few after market lenses, such as Sirui and Blazar Apex with native E mount that has auto focusing, how cool is that ? After market products complete the ecosystem.