Street Photography Hong Kong

Embrace the flaws in our Photography

Street Photography is arguably the only type of photography that has no boundary. The scope it covers is so broad we would sometimes argue among us "what street photography is", trying to narrow down what constitutes street photo is or isn't. 


I've seen photographers with exceptional social skill, somehow they could manage to talk to strangers and getting them to pose for them. I think this is an impressive skill in Street Photography. The skill to interact with people other than your friends. 



Isn't Photography all about communication ? Must I only write things that are relevant to the image you see above ? Could I not say things that are utterly gibberish, such as I love having Dim Sum for breakfast, but Mr. Wong's dim sum tasted like shit ? 


Before we get ahead of ourselves, I feel the willingness to communicate is a crucial part of photography. How willing are we to share something about ourself ? Are we afraid to say the wrong things, abiding only to the conventional ? Do we have nothing to say but relying solely on hash tags ?


The willingness to communicate helps portray a more comprehensive impression of who the photographer is. The more I'm connected to the photographer, the better  understanding I have for his her nonbinary work, and therefore a better appreciation. 


AI era has arrived, it is progressing so fast it's giving me indigestion. The era of us seeking technical perfection has ended, so instead maybe embrace the flaws we have as a human? This is not to say we should raise our hands and throw in the towel. But to celebrate one another by lowering that social conformity, a belief system that photography should only be about cameras and lenses, arts and exhibitions etc. Talking about Dim Sum is a no no. 


Maybe it's time we rethink what photography is. What it means to you as an individual, and what it means as a community. 


Most of us are photography hobbyist,  and it's likely you have other hobbies such as culinary, stamp collecting, yoga, cars. I know I am. I seek to broaden myself through photography, and the first step to do so is to avoid narrowing my view. 

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Street Photography through words

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